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Prospettive diacroniche sullo spettro autistico

Convegno Internazionale sui Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico di livello 1 (sindrome di Asperger).

Dalla complessità diagnostica, alle evidenze cliniche, ai possibili interventi.

Opportunità cliniche e culturali da costruire in una realtà in continua evoluzione.

Prof. Tony Attwood e Dott.ssa Isabelle Hénault

25 e 26 maggio 2022

Università Ca' Foscari Campus Treviso

25 maggio 2022



Saluti iniziali, introduzione all’evento Dott.ssa Valentina Pasin



Introduzione ai Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico di livello 1 (sindrome di Asperger)



coffee break



Il profilo di caratteristiche di bambine e donne ASD livello 1 (sindrome di Asperger)



pausa pranzo



Il funzionamento Asperger nei bambini: profilo, assessment diagnostico



Difficoltà e sfide negli adolescenti ASD livello 1 (sindrome di Asperger)



Question time

26 maggio 2022



Fare amicizia: strategie per migliorare la comprensione sociale e le abilità relazionali



coffee break



ASD livello 1 (sindrome di Asperger) negli adulti: vita autonoma, occupazione lavorativa, relazioni affettive, genitorialità



pausa pranzo



Gestione delle emozioni: terapia cognitivo-comportamentale per la gestione di ansia, depressione, rabbia



Cenni sull’invecchiamento nelle persone ASD livello 1 (sindrome di Asperger), progressi clinici degli ultimi 50 anni sull’ASD livello 1 - testimonianza del Dott. Attwood



Question time


Aula Magna, Palazzo San Leonardo (Riviera Garibaldi 13/E, Treviso)

Modalità duale: posti limitati in presenza e posti illimitati online

Lingue: Inglese e Italiano (traduzione simultanea)

Direttrice Scientifica e Moderatrice: Dott.ssa Valentina Pasin, Coordinatrice Gruppo Empathie


24 crediti


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Prof. Tony Attwood

Psicologo Clinico, PhD

Tony is a clinical psychologist who has specialised in Autism Spectrum Disorders since he qualified as a clinical psychologist in England in 1975.  He currently works in his own private practice, and is also adjunct professor at Griffith University, Queensland.  His book Asperger’s Syndrome – A Guide for Parents and Professionals has sold over 500,000 copies and has been translated into 27 languages.  His subsequent book, The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome, published in October 2006 has sold over 300,000 copies and has been translated into 18 languages, and is one of the primary textbooks on Asperger’s syndrome, otherwise known as Autism Spectrum Disorder – Level 1.  He has several subsequent books published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Future Horizons Inc. and Guilford Press on emotion management, relationships and sexuality, and general advice for autistic children and adults.


Tony has been invited to be a keynote speaker at many Australasian and International Conferences.  He presents workshops and runs training courses for parents, professionals and individuals with Asperger's syndrome all over the world and is a prolific author of scientific papers and books on the subject. He has presented several live webinars with his colleague, Dr Michelle Garnett, which have been recorded and can be accessed via their website at


He has worked with many thousands of individuals of all ages with many expressions of autism.

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Dr. Isabelle Hénault

Psicologa e sessuologa, PhD

Dr. Hénault is a sexologist and psychologist. She obtained her master's degree in sexology and her doctorate in psychology at the Université du Québec à Montréal. She offers private consultations (individual, couple and family) and acts as a consultant to organizations and schools. Her services also include diagnostic evaluation.

Dr. Hénault has developed expertise in Asperger's syndrome, particularly in the field of interpersonal relationships and sexuality. As the author of an adapted socio-sexual education program, she also collaborates in several international research on sex education and psychotherapy for autistic and Asperger people. She has worked for more than two years at Dr. Tony Attwood's clinic in Australia.

She has collaborated to several book chapters and articles on Asperger's syndrome and sex education. Her book 'Aspergers Syndrome and Sexuality: From Adolescence through Adulthood' has been translated in eight languages.

She is also co-author of the book "Autism Spectrum, Sexuality and the Law" (Attwood, Hénault & Dubin), published by Jessica Kingsley Publisher, London (2014); "Le profil Asperger au feminin" (Hénault & Martin with the collaboration of Tony Attwood, Valentina Pasin, Bruno Wicker (2021); "Working with autistic transgender and non-binary people. Research, practice and experience" (Edited by Marianthi Kourti, 2021).

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